Lend a hand to save the land

     Air, water, land, sunlight, minerals, plants, and animals are just a few of the blessings that nature has bestowed upon us. All of these natural wonders make our planet a place worth living. Without any of these, life on Earth would be impossible. Currently, these natural resources are abundant on Earth. Unfortunately, due to population expansion, the need for most of these has expanded dramatically over the ages.

     Many of our ecosystems have been degraded to the point where they can no longer recover on their own. Changes in land and sea usage, exploitation, climate change, pollution, and the introduction of alien species are the main causes of ecosystem loss. The dumping of rubbish into the ocean, for example, has a direct influence on wildlife. Other factors are more indirect. We've seen what happens when we turn against nature. We will have learned the most important lesson from this horrible moment if we make it our ally, assisting us in helping ourselves and thus creating healthy societies, robust economies, and thriving enterprises. As a result, the globe will be not just safer, healthier, and more egalitarian, but also prosperous.

     Everything that surrounds us is considered part of nature. Nature includes trees, woods, rivers, rivulets, soil, and air. Maintaining the importance of nature and its resources. As a result, it is critical for the survival of life on Earth. It's difficult to conceive living on a planet with a degraded natural environment. As a result, taking the necessary steps to preserve nature in its natural state. It must be a top priority for humanity. Restoration of ecosystems, as well as society, must adapt to changing climate conditions. There will be no harm to any animal, plant, or human life with such understanding and contribution. Only humans, with their power and ability, can conserve nature in its most natural state. As a result, our planet will always be safe for everyone.

Reference(s) :

https://www.thegef.org › blog › dest...

'By destroying nature we destroy ourselves' | Global Environment ...


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