Global warming, along with climate change, is one of the main challenges our world is facing, it is a danger to all living beings on Earth. The key contributors to such changes in average global temperatures are thought to be natural phenomena and human activities. In addition to impacting the atmosphere and the sea, climate change, triggered by increasing emissions of carbon dioxide from cars, factories and power plants, would alter the geology of the Earth.

     The Philippines, as one of the most impoverished nations in the world, is deeply committed to tackling the challenge of climate change. Extreme weather events such as violent typhoons , rising of temperature, and sea level rise are  the effects of climate change that we are witnessing. It is however, the responsibility of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to ensure our environment. As they do their part we should also do our parts as well. All of us need to know that education is an integral element of the global climate change response. It helps people consider and discuss the effects of global warming, it can strengthens people's climate awareness, facilitates changes in one's attitudes and behaviors, and helps them respond to developments related to climate change. Education and awareness-raising encourage informed decision-making, play a critical role in enhancing community capacity for adaptation and mitigation, and inspire women and men to embrace sustainable lifestyles.

     The consequence of such reckless and harsh use of the world is that the Earth is now damaged. To have a life and existence, we need the Earth, without it we will seize it for existence. Since the world needs our support, we should start taking the problem of saving the Earth seriously. We're supposed to give Earth the same treatment that a human being gets. The world will be saved if each person begins taking small steps towards saving the planet.


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  1. Impressive Dhencel Anne! Your blog is well-structured making your readers to easily identify your point in this article. I totally agree with everything you have written in this article because it speaks the truth. Continue spreading awareness. Goodluck, Godbless and stay safe!


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